What you need to know about
Annual Enrollment Period



Medicare health and drug plans can —and do— make changes each year to cost, benefits, coverage, and the plan’s network of providers and pharmacies.

You have EIGHT weeks each fall to evaluate your current Part D (prescriptions drug plan) and Medicare Advantage plan AND compare them to all available plans in your area for the upcoming calendar year. This is your best chance to retain or improve your coverage while also finding opportunities for significant savings.

This is an opportunity you should not pass up!

Your Next Steps My Medications List

Annual Enrollment Period Q&A

It can feel overwhelming! Here are some commonly asked questions and answers about the Annual Enrollment Period.

1I am I eligible to take advantage of the Annual Enrollment Period?
The Annual Election Period is for everyone who is enrolled in Medicare. Anyone can use this time to switch up Medicare coverage.
2Can I switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage plan?
If you determine you can save money and get the extra coverage you want, such as benefits for routine vision, dental, and hearing care with a Medicare Advantage plan, you can drop Original Medicare and enroll in the new MA plan.
3Can I switch from Medicare Advantage back to Original Medicare?
You might find that your situation has changed and Original Medicare offers the flexibility and value you’re looking for in health coverage. For example, if you’re planning to travel around the country for a few months or spend the winter in a warmer climate, the service area restrictions in Medicare Advantage plans might not work for you. You can switch to Original Medicare and use your benefits with any provider who accepts Medicare, anywhere in the country.
4Can I change my Medicare Advantage plan to a different one?
YES! It is common for new plans to be available in your area that works better for you than your existing plan. You may be able to switch to a new plan with the expanded benefits that matter to you.
5Can I enroll in a Part D Prescription Drug Plan?
If you’re switching from a Medicare Advantage plan with Part D to Original Medicare, you’ll need to add Part D coverage or risk a late enrollment penalty unless you have drug coverage from another source. Be sure to keep it in your records to avoid the penalty later on.
6Can I change my Part D plan to a different one?
You should ALWAYS compare all of the available plans in your area. For example, if you’re an insulin-dependent diabetic, the new Senior Savings Model plans will cap your insulin costs at $35 per prescription. These plans are available during the fall Annual Enrollment Period and can dramatically affect your medication costs.
7Can I get rid of my Part D plan entirely?
If you currently have stand-alone Part D with Original Medicare and you switch to a Medicare Advantage plan with Part D (MAPD), you can drop your current prescription drug coverage. You may also want to drop Part D if you or a spouse goes back to work and you get medication benefits through an employer.
8When do changes to my Part D or Medicare Advantage plans take effect?
The changes you make during Annual Enrollment Period become effective on January 1st of the following year.

Next Steps for Evaluating and

Your Medicare.Gov account provides us with the best tool for managing, tracking and evaluating your prescription drug Part D coverage. Your doctors and pharmacies automatically upload your prescribed medications so all we need to do is review and update it to reflect your current list of medications. With that list, we can review and compare your current plan with all prescription Plan D plans that are available for YOUR area for the upcoming year.

Also, watch for your Annual Notice of Change letter in the mailbox! Medicare insurance carriers must send them by September 30th. This notice tells you what is changing with your plan for the upcoming year. Don't let the size put you off. Just look for the letter at the top of the packet that provides a summary of changes in an easy side-by-side chart comparing changes in your plan's benefits. That comparison can raise 'red flags' for the changes in your benefits that may be the catalyst for you to find a better plan.

Access your Medicare 'My Account'

Have your Username and Password ready. Can't remember? No worries. Click here for help.
Note: If I helped set up your account, your username is likely your e-mail address.

Recover your Username or Password

Did you forget your Username or Password? You can recover them! You will need to access your email address to reset.

Get Help Creating Your Account

Don't have an account yet? You can create an account yourself or Susan can set your account up for you!

As your advisor, Susan will configure your account so everything is already set up for you to evaluate your plan details together. Your e-mail address will be your Username with a temporary password (you can change your password at anytime).

Ask Susan to Create your My Medicare account