Prescott Talks: Glenn Martin

Medicare-related News

Medicare reports, fact sheets and explainers from the Kaiser Family Foundation

  • What are the Consequences of Health Care Debt Among Older Adults?
    on July 26, 2024 at 2:51 pm

    Health care debt is a widespread problem in the United States. Medicare offers coverage for a range of health care services, including hospitalizations, physician visits, prescription drugs, and post-acute care, but Medicare beneficiaries generally pay out-of-pocket for their monthly premiums and deductibles, cost-sharing for Medicare-covered services, and the cost of services not covered by Medicare. This data note examines findings from the KFF Health Care Debt Survey to assess the prevalence, sources and consequences of health care debt among Medicare-age adults.

  • Medicare Advantage Enrollees Account for a Rising Share of Inpatient Hospital Days
    on July 23, 2024 at 1:57 pm

    This analysis examines the recent growth of Medicare Advantage as a share of hospital inpatient days. Medicare Advantage rose from 13% to 23% of all inpatient days from 2015 to 2022, although there was wide variation among hospitals.

  • Key Facts About Medicare Part D Enrollment, Premiums, and Cost Sharing in 2024
    on July 2, 2024 at 6:13 pm

    This brief analyzes 2024 Medicare Part D enrollment, premiums, and cost sharing. The analysis highlights the continued growth in Medicare Advantage enrollment in the Part D marketplace and substantially higher average monthly premiums for stand-alone Part D drug plan coverage. Changes to the Part D benefit included in the Inflation Reduction Act are helping to lower out-of-pocket costs for patients but could also contribute to higher-priced Part D coverage.

  • In 2024, A Majority of States Offer Medicare Advantage Plans to Their State Retirees, with 13 Offering Medicare Advantage Exclusively
    on July 2, 2024 at 1:27 pm

    This analysis examines the extent to which states are providing health benefits to their Medicare-eligible retirees through Medicare Advantage arrangements. In 2024, a majority of states offer Medicare Advantage plans to their state retirees, with 12 offering Medicare Advantage exclusively.

  • Health Insurer Financial Performance in 2023
    on July 2, 2024 at 12:00 pm

    Using health insurer financial data for 2023, we find that in 2023, per enrollee gross margins were highest in the Medicare Advantage market, and medical loss ratios were lowest in the individual insurance market. Across most markets, gross margins have been relatively stable in recent years.

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